.. _installation: ============ Installation ============ NumpyDL has a couple of prerequisites that need to be installed first, but it is not very picky about versions. The most important package is `Numpy `_. At the same time, you should install some other useful packages, such as `scipy `_ and `scikit-learn `_. Most importantly, these packages are not required to install the specific version to fit the version of NumpyDL you choose to install. We strongly recommend you to install the `Miniconda `_ or a bigger installer `Anaconda `_ which is a leading open data science platform powered by Python and well integrated the efficient scientific computing platform `MKL `_. Prerequisites ============= Python + pip ------------ NumpyDL currently requires Python 3.3 or higher to run. Please install Python via the package manager of your operating system if it is not included already. Python includes ``pip`` for installing additional modules that are not shipped with your operating system, or shipped in an old version, and we will make use of it below. We recommend installing these modules into your home directory via ``--user``, or into a `virtual environment `_ via ``virtualenv``. C compiler ---------- Numpy/scipy require a C compiler if you install them via ``pip``. On Linux, the default compiler is usually``gcc``, and on Mac OS, it's ``clang``. On Windows, we recommend you to install the `Miniconda `_ or `Anaconda `_. Again, please install them via the package manager of your operating system. numpy/scipy + BLAS ------------------ NumpyDL requires numpy of version 1.6.2 or above, and sometimes also requires scipy 0.11 or above. Numpy/scipy rely on a BLAS library to provide fast linear algebra routines. They will work fine without one, but a lot slower, so it is worth getting this right (but this is less important if you plan to use a GPU). If you install numpy and scipy via your operating system's package manager, they should link to the BLAS library installed in your system. If you install numpy and scipy via ``pip install numpy`` and ``pip install scipy``, make sure to have development headers for your BLAS library installed (e.g., the ``libopenblas-dev`` package on Debian/Ubuntu) while running the installation command. Please refer to the `numpy/scipy build instructions `_ if in doubt. Stable NumpyDL release ====================== NumpyDL 0.1 requires a more recent version of Theano than the one available on PyPI. To install a version that is known to work, run the following command: .. code-block:: bash pip install -r https://github.com/oujago/NumpyDL/blob/master/requirements.txt .. code-block:: bash pip install npdl If you do not use ``virtualenv``, add ``--user`` to both commands to install into your home directory instead. To upgrade from an earlier installation, add ``--upgrade``. .. _NumpyDL-development-install: Development installation ======================== Alternatively, you can install NumpyDL from source, in a way that any changes to your local copy of the source tree take effect without requiring a reinstall. This is often referred to as *editable* or *development* mode. Firstly, you will need to obtain a copy of the source tree: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/oujago/NumpyDL.git It will be cloned to a subdirectory called ``NumpyDL``. Make sure to place it in some permanent location, as for an *editable* installation, Python will import the module directly from this directory and not copy over the files. Enter the directory and install the known good version of Theano: .. code-block:: bash cd NumpyDL pip install -r requirements.txt To install the NumpyDL package itself, in editable mode, run: .. code-block:: bash pip install --editable . As always, add ``--user`` to install it to your home directory instead. **Optional**: If you plan to contribute to NumpyDL, you will need to fork the NumpyDL repository on GitHub. This will create a repository under your user account. Update your local clone to refer to the official repository as ``upstream``, and your personal fork as ``origin``: .. code-block:: bash git remote rename origin upstream git remote add origin https://github.com//NumpyDL.git If you set up an `SSH key `_, use the SSH clone URL instead: ``git@github.com:/NumpyDL.git``. You can now use this installation to develop features and send us pull requests on GitHub, see :doc:`development`!