Source code for npdl.layers.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from npdl.utils.random import get_rng
from .base import Layer
from .. import activations
from ..initializations import _zero
from ..initializations import get as get_init

[docs]class Linear(Layer): """A fully connected layer implemented as the dot product of inputs and weights. Parameters ---------- n_out : (int, tuple) Desired size or shape of layer output n_in : (int, tuple) or None The layer input size feeding into this layer init : (Initializer, optional) Initializer object to use for initializing layer weights """ def __init__(self, n_out, n_in=None, init='glorot_uniform'): self.n_out = n_out self.n_in = n_in self.out_shape = (None, n_out) self.init = get_init(init) self.W = None self.b = None self.dW = None self.db = None self.last_input = None
[docs] def connect_to(self, prev_layer=None): if prev_layer is None: assert self.n_in is not None n_in = self.n_in else: assert len(prev_layer.out_shape) == 2 n_in = prev_layer.out_shape[-1] self.W = self.init((n_in, self.n_out)) self.b = _zero((self.n_out,))
[docs] def forward(self, input, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply the forward pass transformation to the input data. Parameters ---------- input : numpy.array input data Returns ------- numpy.array output data """ self.last_input = input return, self.W) + self.b
[docs] def backward(self, pre_grad, *args, **kwargs): """Apply the backward pass transformation to the input data. Parameters ---------- pre_grad : numpy.array deltas back propagated from the adjacent higher layer Returns ------- numpy.array deltas to propagate to the adjacent lower layer """ self.dW =, pre_grad) self.db = np.mean(pre_grad, axis=0) if not self.first_layer: return, self.W.T)
@property def params(self): return self.W, self.b @property def grads(self): return self.dW, self.db
[docs]class Dense(Layer): """A fully connected layer implemented as the dot product of inputs and weights. Generally used to implemenent nonlinearities for layer post activations. Parameters ---------- n_out : int Desired size or shape of layer output n_in : int, or None The layer input size feeding into this layer activation : str, or npdl.activatns.Activation Defaults to ``Tanh`` init : str, or npdl.initializations.Initializer Initializer object to use for initializing layer weights """ def __init__(self, n_out, n_in=None, init='glorot_uniform', activation='tanh'): self.n_out = n_out self.n_in = n_in self.out_shape = (None, n_out) self.init = get_init(init) self.act_layer = activations.get(activation) self.W, self.dW = None, None self.b, self.db = None, None self.last_input = None
[docs] def connect_to(self, prev_layer=None): if prev_layer is None: assert self.n_in is not None n_in = self.n_in else: assert len(prev_layer.out_shape) == 2 n_in = prev_layer.out_shape[-1] self.W = self.init((n_in, self.n_out)) self.b = _zero((self.n_out,))
[docs] def forward(self, input, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply the forward pass transformation to the input data. Parameters ---------- input : numpy.array input data Returns ------- numpy.array output data """ self.last_input = input linear_out =, self.W) + self.b act_out = self.act_layer.forward(linear_out) return act_out
[docs] def backward(self, pre_grad, *args, **kwargs): """Apply the backward pass transformation to the input data. Parameters ---------- pre_grad : numpy.array deltas back propagated from the adjacent higher layer Returns ------- numpy.array deltas to propagate to the adjacent lower layer """ act_grad = pre_grad * self.act_layer.derivative() self.dW =, act_grad) self.db = np.mean(act_grad, axis=0) if not self.first_layer: return, self.W.T)
@property def params(self): return self.W, self.b @property def grads(self): return self.dW, self.db
[docs]class Softmax(Dense): """A fully connected layer implemented as the dot product of inputs and weights. Parameters ---------- n_out : int Desired size or shape of layer output n_in : int, or None The layer input size feeding into this layer init : str, or npdl.initializations.Initializer Initializer object to use for initializing layer weights """ def __init__(self, n_out, n_in=None, init='glorot_uniform'): super(Softmax, self).__init__(n_out, n_in, init, activation='softmax')
[docs]class Dropout(Layer): """A dropout layer. Applies an element-wise multiplication of inputs with a keep mask. A keep mask is a tensor of ones and zeros of the same shape as the input. Each :meth:`forward` call generates an new keep mask stochastically where there distribution of ones in the mask is controlled by the keep param. Parameters ---------- p : float fraction of the inputs that should be stochastically kept. """ def __init__(self, p=0.): self.p = p self.last_mask = None self.out_shape = None
[docs] def connect_to(self, prev_layer): self.out_shape = prev_layer.out_shape
[docs] def forward(self, input, train=True, *args, **kwargs): """Apply the forward pass transformation to the input data. Parameters ---------- input : numpy.array input data train : bool is inference only Returns ------- numpy.array output data """ if 0. < self.p < 1.: if train: self.last_mask = get_rng().binomial(1, 1 - self.p, input.shape) / (1 - self.p) return input * self.last_mask else: return input * (1 - self.p) else: return input
[docs] def backward(self, pre_grad, *args, **kwargs): if 0. < self.p < 1.: return pre_grad * self.last_mask else: return pre_grad