
Provides some minimal help with building loss expressions for training or validating a neural network.

These functions build element- or item-wise loss expressions from network predictions and targets.


Assuming you have a simple neural network for 3-way classification:

>>> import npdl
>>> model = npdl.model.Model()
>>> model.add(npdl.layers.Dense(n_out=100, n_in=50))
>>> model.add(npdl.layers.Dense(n_out=3, 
>>>           activation=npdl.activation.Softmax()))
>>> model.compile(loss=npdl.objectives.SCCE(), 
>>>           optimizer=npdl.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.005))


BinaryCrossEntropy Computes the binary cross-entropy between predictions and targets.
SoftmaxCategoricalCrossEntropy Computes the categorical cross-entropy between predictions and targets.
MeanSquaredError Computes the element-wise squared difference between two tensors.
HellingerDistance Computes the multi-class hinge loss between predictions and targets.

Detailed Description

class npdl.objectives.Objective[source]

An objective function (or loss function, or optimization score function) is one of the two parameters required to compile a model.

class npdl.objectives.MeanSquaredError[source]

Computes the element-wise squared difference between two tensors.

\[L = (p - t)^2\]

a, b : Theano tensor

The tensors to compute the squared difference between.


Theano tensor

An expression for the element-wise squared difference.


This is the loss function of choice for many regression problems or auto-encoders with linear output units.


alias of MeanSquaredError

class npdl.objectives.HellingerDistance[source]

Computes the multi-class hinge loss between predictions and targets.

\[L_i = \max_{j \not = p_i} (0, t_j - t_{p_i} + \delta)\]

predictions : Theano 2D tensor

Predictions in (0, 1), such as softmax output of a neural network, with data points in rows and class probabilities in columns.

targets : Theano 2D tensor or 1D tensor

Either a vector of int giving the correct class index per data point or a 2D tensor of one-hot encoding of the correct class in the same layout as predictions (non-binary targets in [0, 1] do not work!)

delta : scalar, default 1

The hinge loss margin


Theano 1D tensor

An expression for the item-wise multi-class hinge loss


This is an alternative to the categorical cross-entropy loss for multi-class classification problems


alias of HellingerDistance

class npdl.objectives.BinaryCrossEntropy(epsilon=1e-11)[source]

Computes the binary cross-entropy between predictions and targets.

\[L = -t \log(p) - (1 - t) \log(1 - p)\]

Theano tensor

An expression for the element-wise binary cross-entropy.


This is the loss function of choice for binary classification problems and sigmoid output units.

backward(outputs, targets)[source]

Backward pass.


outputs : numpy.array

Predictions in (0, 1), such as sigmoidal output of a neural network.

targets : numpy.array

Targets in [0, 1], such as ground truth labels.

forward(outputs, targets)[source]

Forward pass.


outputs : numpy.array

Predictions in (0, 1), such as sigmoidal output of a neural network.

targets : numpy.array

Targets in [0, 1], such as ground truth labels.


alias of BinaryCrossEntropy

class npdl.objectives.SoftmaxCategoricalCrossEntropy(epsilon=1e-11)[source]

Computes the categorical cross-entropy between predictions and targets.

\[L_i = - \sum_j{t_{i,j} \log(p_{i,j})}\]

predictions : Theano 2D tensor

Predictions in (0, 1), such as softmax output of a neural network, with data points in rows and class probabilities in columns.

targets : Theano 2D tensor or 1D tensor

Either targets in [0, 1] matching the layout of predictions, or a vector of int giving the correct class index per data point.


Theano 1D tensor

An expression for the item-wise categorical cross-entropy.


This is the loss function of choice for multi-class classification problems and softmax output units. For hard targets, i.e., targets that assign all of the probability to a single class per data point, providing a vector of int for the targets is usually slightly more efficient than providing a matrix with a single 1.0 per row.


alias of SoftmaxCategoricalCrossEntropy